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University of Chinese Academy of Sciences (UCAS)

Beijing, China
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    Basic information and contact details for the University of Chinese Academy of Sciences (UCAS)


    History of UCAS

    Located in Beijing,?University of?Chinese Academy of Sciences?was?established with the approval of Ministry of Education of?the?People’s?Republic of?China (PRC).?Its predecessor,?Graduate University of Chinese Academy of Sciences?(GUCAS),?was?the first graduate school in China.?UCAS graduated the PRC’s first doctoral student in science, first doctoral student in engineering, first female doctoral student, and first student with double doctoral degrees.?In June 2012, GUCAS was renamed UCAS.?Now UCAS?includes?campuses located?at four locations (Yuquanlu, Zhongguancun,?the?Olympic Village,?and Yanqi Lake), and has provided high quality?education?to?over 170000 students.?

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    UCAS and CAS

    UCAS is?administered and managed?by?Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), established in 1949. Comprising more than 100 institutes, CAS is China's highest academic institution in?the Natural?Sciences, the highest-ranking?consulting?institution in science and technology,?the preeminent?research and development center?for the Natural?Sciences?and high technology, and the most important?base in the?training?of?advanced scientific talents.


    UCAS?Education: "The?Fusion of Scientific Research and Education"

    UCAS?espouses the?philosophy?of?"The Fusion of Scientific Research and Teaching" as its basic system of education.??The fusion of UCAS and?CAS?institutes in terms of management,?education,?faculty, training,?and scientific?research is?fully supported?and facilitated by and under?the auspices of?CAS.?Most CAS institutes shoulder?the?main responsibilities of graduate education, and also provide tutors,?practice, and experience bases?for?UCAS?undergraduates.??A?high-level?CAS?institute and supported by several other relevant?CAS?institutes?typically oversee all?amalgamated?UCAS schools?of?science and engineering.?The leading institute is the first party?of responsibility, its juridical person?serving?as the dean or executive vice dean?who?takes comprehensive control?of?all education?and management affairs.?All colleges?are?organizationally?structured as either“College-Teaching and Research Sector” or “College-Department”educational bodies.??As of August 2020, UCAS?had?57 teaching and research institutes.?UCAS has also established?16?affiliated hospitals.

    UCAS boasts a team of highly qualified faculty consisting of distinguished professors from CAS institutes, strong at both?education?and?scientific?research.?UCAS also provides first-class research conditions?for students to?conduct?scientific research.?As of?August 2020, UCAS had?3,090 professors, 11,257 supervisors, including 176 CAS Members and 6786 doctoral supervisors from?three?national research centers (or labs), 73 national key labs, 189 CAS key labs, 29?national engineering research centers (labs) and various national frontier scientific research projects. ?This outstanding faculty are, thus, able to?provide?a?grand and vast?educational?platform for students to?engage in?scientific research.?

    Being the largest graduate educational?institution,?the?main task?of?UCAS has long been graduate education.??As of?December 2019,?UCAS had over 51,700?postgraduate students?enrolled, 52% of which are doctoral students;?1,625?undergraduates; and 1,734 international students from 96 countries, of whom1,055?were?doctoral students.

    UCAS is authorized to confer all?Master’s?and doctorate degrees in the?scientific?disciplines, as well as?90%?degrees in?engineering disciplines.?UCAS?is also authorized to confer professional?Master's degree?in such?disciplines as engineering, business administration, finance, applied statistics, applied psychology, translation and interpreting, agricultural extension, pharmacy, engineering management,?and public management.?From 1978 to 2019, UCAS had conferred degrees on?171,526 students, including 83,561?Ph.D., 87,367?Master’s,?and 598?Bachelor’s?degrees.??137 UCAS graduates were elected Full and Emeritus Members of CAS and?Chinese Academy of Engineering (CAE).

    Buttressed by the cutting-edge research advantages and superior CAS human resources, UCAS is committed to building itself into a world-class university. According to the Essential Science Indicators report released in January 2020, UCAS ranked 76th worldwide, and 1st among the PRC’s universities. ?Among the 22 lists ranked by research fields, UCAS figured in the top 1? ?in the fields of materials science and chemistry, the top 1‰ in seven fields, including materials science, chemistry, environment/ecology, engineering, plant & animal science, agricultural sciences, and geosciences, and the top 1% in 18 fields.


    International Cooperation

    Based on CAS?and its?extensive international?network of?scientific cooperation, UCAS has established close ties and partnerships with Harvard University, MIT, Columbia University, Stanford University, the University of Cambridge, the University of Bristol , Munich University of Technology, the University of California-Santa Barbara, the??cole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL), the Australian National University, Sorbonne University (Paris), Univeristé PSL (Paris Sciences & Lettres), the University of Toronto, the National University of Singapore, the Royal Society, the Max Planck Society?(Germany), the National Center for Scientific Research?(France), the Russian Academy of Sciences, the National Academy of Sciences of the United States, as well as?many other world-renowned universities.?UCAS?is?also a member of?, and has?also?co-founded?the Sino-Danish College in China with the Danish Ministry of Science and Education and eight Danish public universities, and?has established the?ICTP-AP with UNESCO.?Supported by the Kavli Foundation of the United States, UCAS has also?founded?a Kavli Institute for Theoretical Sciences, one of the 20 Kavli institutes across the world. To help promote education in Belt and Road countries, UCAS has been?involved?in international projects,?including ANSO fellowship and?the?CAS?“The Belt and Road”Master fellowship program.


    For?Better Students,?For?Better Future

    Embracing?the motto“Knowledge, Devotion, Investigation, Virtue”,?continuing the?CAS tradition of “Science, Democracy, Patriotism and Dedication”,?and?promoting a?work?ethic?of “Practicality, Truth-seeking, Cooperation,?and Innovation”, UCAS?pays?great attention?to and focuses on?helping students lay a solid foundation for future scientific research?in addition to?developing?a?spirit of innovation,?a?down-to-earth character,?and?a?sense of social responsibility.?Simultaneously and concurrently, in its?development?as a?comprehensive national science center, UCAS is?reaching?further to explore its unique path?and vision in?the fusion of scientific research?and education, aiming to?create and construct?a top?world-class?innovative university by 2050.
